Old Cider Factory, Norton Fitzwarren

Clarkson & Woods carried out baseline ecological surveys on behalf of a consortium of Barratt Exeter, Bellway (South West) and Strongvox to identify ecological constraints to a residential development in Norton Fitzwarren. Through baseline and further surveys Clarkson & Woods confirmed the presence of otters, bats, nesting birds and reptiles on site and identified the Halse Water as a habitat of key importance.

Clarkson & Woods have been involved with this project since the early design phases in 2007 and were involved throughout the latter phases of development until the project was completed in 2013. We have continued to provide advice to all parties on site and have directly been involved in the implementation of a broad range of ecological mitigation measures on site. This has included the construction of a bat house to accommodate a population of Brown long-eared bats, the creation of an otter holt and safe otter crossings, other related mitigation and the preservation and enhancement of the Halse Water Brook.

The brook now forms a key feature of the development with a wide, attractive river corridor running through the development carefully maintained under a landscape and ecological management plan developed by Clarkson & Woods and the site maintenance contractors, Meadfleet.