The UK supports 17 species of bat, all of which are protected under legislation which relates to the animals themselves as well as their roost sites, regardless of bat presence. The damage or alteration to a bat roost, or disturbance of bats within their roosts are all considered to be offences which will only be sanctioned once appropriate surveys have been undertaken, mitigation measures designed and an appropriate licence obtained from Natural England
Bat Surveys
Clarkson & Woods have a number of highly experienced licenced bat surveyors. We undertake a range of bat surveys depending on the specifics of the site and planning requirements. Types of survey include emergence and dawn surveys, roost inspections, static monitoring surveys and DNA analysis of bat droppings. We use state of the art infra red cameras to gain an accurate picture of bat activity.
Further Help
If development proposals are likely to affect a bat roost (whether occupied or unoccupied), it is likely that mitigation will be required and a licence would need to be obtained before the works can take place. We design and implement appropriate mitigation measures and always aim to integrate these into the existing construction programme as much as possible to minimise costly delays. This work can involve the design of mitigation roosts and planting plans to support bats, the installation of bat boxes and supervision of root tile stripping.
A survey to ascertain the presence of bats and appraise the value of habitats can be undertaken at any time of year. Emergence or activity surveys, if required can only be undertaken when bats are active (i.e. between April and September). Due to the complexities of bat surveys we suggest that if you think you may have a problem with bats that you call one of our ecologists for advice.
Case Studies
Clevedon Pier Lighting
Clarkson & Woods were contacted after a listed buildings application to install lighting on Clevedon Pier was refused by North Somerset Council. There was concern that the new lighting would negatively impact the local bat and bird populations. Find out more