Meet the team – Polly

How long have you worked at Clarkson & Woods? I started at Clarkson & Woods in 2010 as an assistant ecologist when we were Michael Woods Associates. Since this time, I have seen the company change from our original team of 4 into the passionate, friendly, and knowledgeable team of 25 we now are today.…


Meet the Team – Adèle

How long have you worked at Clarkson & Woods? Originally from Nancy, Lorraine in the north-eastern part of France I first joined Clarkson and Woods back in 2018 working as an intern as part of my end-of-studies internship. This was part of my masters degree where I was studying general agronomy and environmental sciences at…


Meet the Team – Andy

How long have you worked at Clarkson & Woods? I came to Clarkson & Woods just over 18 months ago as a Senior Ecologist, but this is rather misleading because I also worked here many years ago between 2012 and 2017. I re-joined the company last year because my experience was so positive. I was…

Meet the Team – Molly

How long have you worked at Clarkson & Woods? I’ve been working at Clarkson and Woods for almost two years now, officially joining the team as an Assistant Ecologist in September 2021. I studied previously at Cardiff University, firstly for my undergraduate degree in Biological Sciences and then for my master’s degree in Global Ecology…

Meet the Team – Chris Poole

How long have you worked at Clarkson & Woods? I started working at Clarkson and Woods in 2018 as an Assistant Ecologist, in my first role in ecological consultancy. I had studied BSc Zoology at university and was in the process of completing my Masters degree in Behavioural Ecology at the time, and couldn’t wait…


Meet the Team – Tom Clarkson

How Long have you worked at Clarkson & Woods? I’ve been managing director at Clarkson and Woods for almost 13 years now and over that time we’ve seen some pretty big changes in the business. We’ve grown steadily from a team of 4 to a team of 25 and have gradually expanded our portfolio of…

Time out on the River Wye

Before the current heatwave hit some of us took a day out to canoe on the beautiful River Wye. It’s the UK’s fourth longest river and a designated Special Area of Conservation (SAC). The river is home to Wales’ most dense population of Otters, thanks to the abundant vegetation of the river banks, clean water…

Tree Climbing Training

Tree climbing is an essential part of the work we do, enabling close up tree inspections and bat monitoring. While it might sound like most kids’ idea of a perfect day out it’s serious business. Can we say a bit more about it here?